Primrose’s founder, Dr. Jessica Madden, has been selected by Cleveland Magazine as one of the top doctors in neonatal-perinatal medicine (newborn medicine) in Cleveland in 2021.
Dr. Madden's Recent Interview on
Primrose Newborn Care’s Dr. Jessica Madden was a recent medical expert on’s webinar about the Covid-19 vaccine, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. You can watch a recording of the webinar here.
Help Needed from Parents of NICU Graduates!
What are the most common questions you had when you were bringing your baby home from the NICU?
I am writing an article called “Bringing Your Preemie Home: Parent FAQs” for the American Academy of Pediatrics website this month and want to make sure that I include parents’ most common concerns .
You can email your suggestions to me at, or answer in the comments section of my IG or FB posts. Thanks in advance for your help!
Newborn Medicine Video Consults Now Available
Client Testimonial
My Latest Social Media Post
My Lifelong Journey to Neonatology
I was recently able to reflect on why I became a neonatologist and loved being able to connect all of the dots that led me to where I am today. You can read my story here.
Project Preemie
I have recently become involved with Project Preemie, a rapidly growing Cleveland-based, parent-led advocacy group for parents of preemies and NICU graduates. I will be available to members and followers as a parent resource via answering questions, writing blog posts, and helping to connect families to local resources.
How my visits differ from home nurse visits
It’s not unusual for some of the smallest and sickest preemies to qualify for home nursing visits. These visits are usually 20-30 min long, occur within the first few weeks after discharge, and are covered by insurance. In most cases, larger preterm infants and full-term infants do not qualify for these types of visit. My home visits are different than RN visits for all of the following reasons:
Nova Mae M.D.
Gift Certificates
Are you looking for a gift to give to a new mother on Mother's Day?
Do you have a upcoming baby shower to attend and all of the items on the registry have already been purchased, so you're not sure what to buy?
Do you live away from a loved one who is having a baby and want to be able to support and check in on her from afar?
Why did you start offering this service?
I want to provide the service that I wish was available when I had my first child, Grace, in 2005. When she was born I was in the middle of intense medical training, lived hundreds of miles away from my family, and we experienced multiple problems, including difficulty “latching on” while breastfeeding, jaundice, and she did not gain weight. During my maternity leave, which was supposed to be my optimal bonding time with Grace, I felt isolated and unsure of myself, and I am certain that these feelings contributed to my development of postpartum depression.